Tuesday, December 10, 2013

I am SO Sorry!


I am so sorry I have not posted in so long!! Clearly we are keeping busy!! ...Here is a picture we took today! :) I love it!

...We have so much coming up next week here is the schedule:
Monday: Normal :)
Tuesday: Holiday Concert begins at 7:00 pm, students in classroom by 6:45 pm
Wednesday: Pajama Day!
Thursday: Make Cards for Nursing Home
Friday: Holiday Party 9:00 - 12:00 :)

Stay Warm and Safe as we get through the cold this week!! :)

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Pumpkins to Jack-O-Lanterns!

On Wednesday we learned that when you carve a pumpkin it becomes a Jack-O-Lantern!

Some of our friends were all in and ready to help! Others were very skeptical on the pumpkin 'guts'!

 Gracie didn't like the way it felt -- but was still very helpful!! 

Greyson was all in and ready to help! Noah did his best in helping!! :)

Dasin and Lily were expert helpers! :)

Aiden wasn't scared to help carve the pumpkin! :)

 Liam was very skeptical on carving the pumpkin!

Once the spoon came out, he was ready to help! :)

Our friends did a great job! Whether they helped or not, they were great sports and interested in learning about pumpkins!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Bloomsbury Farms Field Trip!

This week we went to Bloomsbury Farms! We had a fantastic time & our 200 pictures prove it!! :)

Starting off the trip with an exciting bus ride!!

Playing in the tractor tire maze!!  

"Miss Rachel, please send this to my mom!" - Liam.



On the tractor/hayrack ride!! 


Jumping on the hay bail stacks!

On the wooden John Deere/Slide!

Horse Swings!

Tire Swing Fun!

On the Jumpy Pillow!! 

Petting Zoo!

Tube Slide & Corn Bin!! 

It's always fun to try and get a good group picture with 24 2-5 year olds!! :)

The day ended up being so great and we had such a wonderful time!! :)