Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Let's Beat the Heat!!

OH ME, OH MY! It is HOT out there!! ...Unfortunately the drinking fountain in our classroom is under construction.  Luckily we have a working drinking fountain in the hallway...but, to stay in our very nicely airconditioned room more, please send a water bottle to school with your child!  You can either leave it here all the time, or bring it daily, your choice.  We will take these outside with us, as well as have them available while in the classroom.  This way, we don't get overheated and keep hydrated! :)

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Welcome to Preschool!

Happy 1st week of preschool!! We are having a wonderful week getting to know one another and all of the wonderful areas of our room. - The reading loft is the most visited area, of course! :) 
...This year I am going to try and do better (than last year) about keeping up to date and posting at least once a week so you may all see how busy we are in preschool and how much we are growing and learning together! Pictures to come by the end of the week! :)